Our Endorsed Candidates

Our Endorsed Candidates

We are proud to endorse candidates outside the NHA party who share our common purpose - to protect and champion public services.



Green Party Co-leader and MP Caroline Lucas helps Larry Sanders, Brother of Senator Bernie Sanders, to launch his campaigh to stand as Green Party MP candidate for Witney, following David Cameron standing down from his Witney seat.

Larry Sanders - Green Party Health spokesperson

Oxford East

Larry says, "We are in a battle that is literally life and death, and will not end with the election.

  • Lives are being lost in the starvation and privatisation of the NHS. We will fully fund it and end privatisation.

  • Thousands in this constituency are struggling to look after their elderly and disabled relatives with little help. We will fund Social care and make it free at the point of use

  • Comfortable, affordable housing with security of tenure is a right. We will build hundreds of thousands of council homes and control rents.

  • Whether it is vocational training or university everyone is entitled to free tuition and maintenance grants

“Oxford East is one of the areas that understand and hate the growth of anti-minority politics, the rise of the Trumps, and the success of the Theresa Mays in making life harder for most of us. We have a sense of community, that people can work together, that we will not be left high and dry when things go wrong. I am proud that my brother (Senator Bernie Sanders) has become the most popular politician in America and a powerful opponent of Trump, by consistently urging the same message: a government has to work for all its people, not just the very rich. I have tried to do the same.”

You can find out more about Larry's campaign on the Oxfordshire Green Party website by clicking here.


Roseanne London sq

Roseanne Edwards - Independent


Email        [email protected]
Facebook  facebook.com/roseanneedwardsindependent

Website     www.roseanne-edwards.com
Donate      www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/Roseanneedwardsvoteforthehortonhospital

Roseanne says, "A vote for Roseanne is a vote the Horton. Roseanne has fought for 20 years for protection of hospital services in Banbury. All Conservative MPs support their local hospitals but refuse to oppose the law that is forcing their downgrades. An Independent candidate is needed to oppose them. The Horton will be fully downgraded in 2018.

No Cuts to our Horton. The JR is too far – Banbury is growing.

We must have

  • Reinstatement of consultant-led maternity & Special Care Baby Unit
  • Protection of the 24-Hour Acute Children’s Ward
  • Protection of full A&E – re-open medical beds
  • Reverse reduction of intensive care, invest in hospital infrastructure and halt closure of clinics

Cuts to your NHS & Social Care and public services are caused by unnecessary austerity. Services are being passed to corporations to profit from; meanwhile your public services are being decimated. Roads are disintegrating, old people’s day care reduced and family centres closed. Education funding is being slashed, teachers sacked and school subjects abandoned.
Banbury needs an Independent voice in Parliament to STAND UP FOR LOCAL PEOPLE, your services and your Horton General Hospital."


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Natalie Bennett - Green Party

Sheffield Central
“I am absolutely delighted to have the endorsement of the National Health Action Party. The Green Party has a longstanding record of supporting the NHS and putting its funding and public ownership at the top of its political agenda. I have long campaigned hard to return the National Health Service to its original principles. I have marched with student nurses for bursaries, and joined junior doctors on the picket line. I know how angry these dedicated professionals are. The privatisation introduced by Conservative and Labour governments must be rooted out of our National Health Service. The Green Party is the party you can trust in caring for our health service and listening to the dedicated workers who we all rely on."


Mark Bray-Perry - Green Party


"I work in healthcare as a Medical Physicist. I am also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. I am passionate about the NHS and distressed at the privatisation of services that have put profit ahead of patients. Jeremy Hunt's attack on Junior Doctors and the removal of the nurse training bursary has created a crisis with more than 40,000 nurse vacancies. I am deeply concerned what another Conservative Government will do next and I am delighted the Green Party and NHA Party have been working together nationally to protect the NHS."


Molly Parliament

Molly Scott-Cato - Green Party

Bristol West

The NHS is a precious jewel which British people rightly value highly. What could be more important than knowing that if you fall sick you can rely on good quality healthcare without having to think about whether you can afford it. Yet politicians from the three main Westminster parties have all colluded in the privatisation by stealth of this public service that people want to see remain public. The Green Party will reinstate a fully public NHS, respect and fund NHS staff properly, and end the destructive and wasteful reorganisations whose real aim is privatisation not efficiency.

Green MEP for South West England and Gibraltar


Twitter: @MollyMEP



Vix Lowthion - Green Party

Isle of Wight

I feel so proud to work alongside the National Health Action Party in this General Election and beyond. I have actively campaigned hard to return the NHS to its original principles of being a fully public and accessible health service since I first got involved in politics 3 years ago. I have attended local CCG meetings, sometimes as the only member of the public, supported doctors and nurses in their campaign for fair working conditions, and marched alongside islanders to fight for the NHS. Increasing privatisation of clinical services is inefficient, damaging and putting lives at risk. NHS workers and entire communities are rightfully angry at seeing essential services slashed, and on the Isle of Wight the introduction of the STP will lead to entire services leaving the Island. Politicians, patients, health workers and management must take a stand in 2017 - and vote for a publicly run and accountable NHS. Together we can stand up for what really matters!