Our 2015 Manifesto

Our 2015 Manifesto

We're offering a new vision for the NHS and a new vision for Britain

The National Health Action Party is campaigning not only to defend and improve the NHS but also to promote health in its widest sense with policies on a range of issues that impact on the health and wellbeing of individuals and society, including housing, transport, the environment and the economy.


We're fighting for a healthy NHS

  • Halt financially-driven hospital closures and support local A&E and maternity provision
  • Stop privatising NHS services & get rid of the market
  • Make the Health Secretary responsible again for providing health care
  • Fund the NHS to G7 levels and reverse government cuts
  • Ensure adequate staffing in hospitals, GP practices & social care
  • Prioritise mental and public health
  • Listen to patients and staff to improve the NHS
  • Renegotiate the costly Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
  • Fight the EU-USA trade deal (TTIP) that will make NHS privatisation irreversible


We're fighting for a healthy Britain

Education - end student tuition fees, address shortage of primary school places, and allow greater involvement of the teaching profession in policy-making.

Invest in Housing - launch huge programme of social house-building,  drawn up in conjunction with local people's needs and concerns, including improving and upgrading current housing stock and tackling the number of  empty homes. Improve conditions for rental tenants.

Fairer society and economic growth - reject austerity policies, which unfairly penalise the vulnerable, bring in a living wage, and prioritise cracking down on corporate tax evasion and avoidance to ensure those who can afford it,  make a fairer contribution to society.

Reform Parliament - support MPs' recall, review party whips system and voting with party without attending debates, stricter control over conflicts of interest, end 'revolving doors' culture, move to PR system, lower voting age to 16.

Reform EU - make the EU democratically accountable to voters, with the public able to hold elected officials to account; end secrecy and curtail  power of lobbyists; oppose the TTIP